L-Tryptophan - Starlabs Nutrition | Sport Nutrition


34.90 €

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L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps to improve sleep, to reduce stress and to prevent and improve depressive processes.

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Product Description

L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps improve sleep, reduce stress, prevent and improve depressive processes.

Achieve Your Goals!

It is a precursor to many neurotransmitters and neurochemicals, including serotonin and melatonin. Melatonin helps improve sleep and serotonin we help improve mood and mental health. L-Tryptophan also helps women with premenstrual pain and hormonal imbalance.


  • Improves mood
  • Help in depressive states
  • Increases serotonin and melatonin levels
  • Improves circulation and promotes a healthy nervous system

How To Use It?

Take 2 capsules 30 minutes before bedtime

Product Composition


Valeur nutritive par portion
Voedingswaarde per portie
Nutritional value per serving
(= 2 caps)
% AJC (par dose)
% ADH (per portie)
% RDA (per serving)
L-Tryptohane/ L-Tryptofaan/ L-Tryptophan 1000 mg -
Vit.B6 7,3 mg 864%
Dioxyde de silicium tixosil/ Siliciumdioxide tixosil/ Silicium dioxide tixosil 6 mg -
Stéarate de magnésium/ Magnesium stearaat/ Magnesium stearate 5 mg -
Vit.B3 5 mg 62%
Packaging 120 Caps
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