SuperHero Pre-Workout - Scitec | Sport Nutrition
SuperHero Pre-Workout


32.90 €

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SuperHero Pre-Workout

SuperHero is the pre-workout from Scitec's professional range which contains quality ingredients such as amino acids, plant extracts, caffeine, choline, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, and minerals.

32.90 € 32.9 EUR 32.90 € VAT Included

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Brand: Scitec Nutrition
Scitec Nutrition

Genuine Product of Scitec

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Product Description

SuperHero from Scitec is a pre-workout powder that contains quality ingredients such as amino acids, plant extracts, caffeine, choline, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, and minerals. It is composed of patented active ingredients such as SABEET™ (beetroot extract), Kyowa brand Cognizin® (a form of citicoline), and AstraGin™.

Achieve Your Goals!

SuperHero from Scitec through its complex formulation and innovative active ingredients is a premium booster to dynamise your workouts. It contains different sources of caffeine (anhydrous, green tea leaf extract, cocoa bean extract and guarana seed extract) totalising an intake of 300 mg of caffeine per dose.


Powerful pre-workout

Innovative creatine-free formulation

300 mg of caffeine per dose

Many patented active ingredients

Sugar free

Delicious flavours

How To Use It?

Take 1 dose of 9,5 gr (2 x 3/4 scoop) in 350ml of water 30 minutes before your workout.

Product Composition

L-Glutamine 21%, beta-alanine 17%, L-Citrulline 11%, taurine 9.5%, flavourings, acids (citric acid, malic acid), L-Arginine 5.3%, acetyl-L-carnitine 4.0%, caffeine anhydrous 2.9%, green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf extract 2.6%, beetroot (Beta vulgaris) tuber extract 2.6%, sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), L-Tyrosine 1.6%, colour (sulphite ammonia caramel), choline bitartrate 1.3%, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), cocoa (Theobroma cacao) seed extract 0.9%, maca (Lepidium meyenii) root powder 0.5%, L-Glutathione 0.5%, guarana extract preparation [guarana (Paullinia cupana) seed extract, maltodextrin, caffeine] 0.5%, bulking agent (polydextrose), zinc sulphate, coenzyme Q10 0.05%, potassium iodide.

Valeur nutritive par portion (9,5 gr)
Voedingswaarde per portie (9,5 gr)
Nutritional value per serving (9,5 gr)
Valeur nutritive par 100 gr
Voedingswaarde per 100 gr
Nutritional value per 100 gr
Valeur Energétique / Energetische waarde / Energy value 152 Kj / 36 Kcal 1602 Kj / 377 Kcal
Lipides / Vet / Fat <0,5 gr <0,5 gr
          dont graisses saturées / waarvan verzadigd vetten / of which saturated fats <0,1 gr <0,1 gr
Glucides / Koolhydraten / Carbohydrate 1,3 gr 13,0 gr
          dont sucres / waarvan suikers / of which sugars <0,5 gr 2,1 gr
Protéines / Eiwitten / Proteins 7,3 gr 77,0 gr
Sel / Zout / Salt 0,01 gr 0,10 gr

Vitamine et minéraux/ Vitamine en mineralen / Vitamin and minerals Valeur nutritive par portion (9,5 gr)
Voedingswaarde per portie (9,5 gr)
Nutritional value per serving (9,5 gr)
Valeur nutritive par 100 gr
Voedingswaarde per 100 gr
Nutritional value per 100 gr
Vitamine C / Vitamine C / Vitamin C 200 mg 2105 mg
Zinc / Zink / Zinc 2 mg 21 mg
Iode / Jodium / Iodine 30 µg 315 µg

Autres ingrédients actifs / Andere actieve ingrediënten / Other active ingredients Valeur nutritive par portion (9,5 gr)
Voedingswaarde per portie (9,5 gr)
Nutritional value per serving (9,5 gr)
Valeur nutritive par 100 gr
Voedingswaarde per 100 gr
Nutritional value per 100 gr
L-Glutamine / L-Glutamine / L-Glutamine 2000mg
Beta-Alanine / Beta-Alanine / Beta-Alanine 1600 mg
L-Citruline / L-Citruline / L-Citruline 1000 mg
Taurine / Taurine / Taurine 900 mg
L-Arginine / L-Arginine / L-Arginine 500 mg
Acetyl L-Carnitine / Acetyl L-Carnitine / Acetyl L-Carnitine 383 mg
          dont L-Carnitine / waarvan L-Carnitine / of which L-Carnitine 258 mg
Extrait de tubercule de betterave / Extract van bietenknollen / Beetroot tuber extract 250 mg
Extrait de feuille de thé vert / Extract van groene thee / Green tea leaf extract 250 mg
          dont polyphénols / waarvan polyfenolen / of which polyphenols 125 mg
          dont EGCG / waarvan EGCG / of which EGCG 37,5 mg
L-Tyrosine / L-Tyrosine / L-Tyrosine 150 mg
Bitartrate de choline / Choline-bitartraat / Choline Bitartrate 125 mg
          dont Choline / waarvan Choline / of which Choline 51 mg
Extrait de graines de cacao / Cacao-zaadextract / Cocoa seed extract 86 mg
          dont Théobromie / waarvan Theobromie / of which Theobromie 34,4 mg
Extrait de racine de maca / Macawortel-extract / Maca root extract 50 mg
L-Glutathion / L-Glutathion / L-Glutathione 50 mg
Extrait de graines de guarana / Guaranazaad-extract / Guarana seed extract 50 mg
Coenzyme Q10 / Co-enzym Q10 / Coenzyme Q10 5 mg
Caféine / Cafeïne / Caffeine 300 mg
Flavour Cola - Lime or Red Chai Latte or Wild Raspberry
Brand Scitec Nutrition
Size 285 gr
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