Herbal W-X - Scitec | Sport Nutrition
Herbal W-X


14.90 €

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Herbal W-X


Herbal W-X is a complex formula designed to remove excess water in the tissues. It is formulated with 8 extracts of plant and micronutrients carefully selected and intended to act in synergy.

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Product Description

Herbal WX is a 100% natural formula, made from plant extracts and vitamins. Herbal WX is a product composed of 9 plants and vitamins, acting in synergy to maximize the draining effects. It is a product that contains no stimulant or caffeine. You can use it in any circumstances.

Achieve Your Goals!

It is a product that will allow you to make your muscles more visible through the elimination of excess subcutaneous water. This product brings the last touch to your diet to lose the last extra pounds in order to finalize the results and eliminate the last traces of water retained in the cells. Visually, it can help to remove the inflated effect that can be seen at the end of the diet and that we do not give full satisfaction.


  • Diuretic product that eliminates subcutaneous water retention
  • 100% natural product composed of 9 plants and vitamins
  • Allows to display a dry and cut physics
  • Lets you lose the last extra pounds that could mask your hard-earned muscles
  • No stimulant

How To Use It?

Take 1 capsule of Herbal WX a day with a large glass of water, preferably in the morning. Drink water all day long to stay well hydrated.

Product Composition

L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), extract of artichoke leaves (Cynara scolymus), tunic: gelatin, extract of green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) dosed with polyphenols, fruit extract of cranberry fruit (Vaccinium macrocarpon) , dandelion root extract (Taraxacum officinale), parsley herb extract (Petroselinum crispum), anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, acidity corrector: potassium gluconate, juniper berry extract (Juniperus communis), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), dyes: brilliant black BN, titanium dioxide, black iron oxide.

Valeur nutritive par portion
Voedingswaarde per portie
Nutritional value per serving
(= 1 cap)
% AJC (par dose)
% ADH (per portie)
% RDA (per serving)
Vit.C 180,00 mg 225,0%
Vit.B6 2,00 mg 142,8%
Extrait de feuilles d’artichaut/ Artisjok extract/ Artichoke extract 175,00 mg -
Extrait de fruits de canneberge/ Amerikaanse Cranberry Extract/ American Cranberry extract 100,00 mg -
Extrait de feuilles de thé vert/ Groentheextract/ Green Tea extract (50% Polyphenols) 100,00 mg -
Dont polyphenols/ Waarvan polyfenolen/ Of which polyphenols 50,00 mg -
Extrait de racines de pissenlit/ Paardebloem extract/ Dandelion extract 50,00 mg -
Extrait de persil/ Peterselietxtract/ Parsley extract 50,00 mg -
Extrait de baies de genévrier/ Juniper extract/ Juniper extract 10,00 mg -
Packaging 100 Caps
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