Protein Pops - Max Protein | Sport Nutrition
Protein Pops Max Protein


20.90 €

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Protein Pops Max Protein

Protein Pops - Max Protein are protein isolate-based, crunchy, chocolate-coated proteins that are 100% environmentally friendly, with no added sugars and 51% protein content!

This product is no longer available.

Brand: Max Protein
Max Protein

Genuine Product of Max Protein

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BE : 50€
FR : 90€
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Product Description

Max Protein Pops are protein isolate based, crunchy and chocolate coated 100% environmentally friendly, with no added sugars and a protein content of 51% ! Ideal in a yogurt, in your cereals, recipes, etc !


  • Protein isolate
  • No added sugars
  • 51% protein

Product Composition

Crunchy whey protein (milk) 51% (Whey protein isolate (milk), rice flour (contains soy lecithin as emulsifier)), cocoa powder (minimum 85%), cocoa butter, cane sugar, emulsifier: soy lecithin from ecological production.

Valeur nutritive par portion
Voedingswaarde per portie
Nutritional value per serving
(= 50 gr)
Valeur nutritive par 100 gr
Voedingswaarde per 100gr
Nutritional value per 100gr
Valeur Energétique/ Energetische waarde/ Energy value/ 998,5 Kj/238,9 Kcal 1997 Kj/477,8 Kcal
Lipides/ Vet/ Fat 10,6 gr 21,25 gr
Graisses saturées/ Verzadigd vetten/ Saturated fats 6,85 gr 13,7 gr
Glucides/ Koolhydraten/ Carbohydrate 10 gr 20 gr
Sucres/ Suikers /Sugars 3 gr 6 gr
Fibres/ Vezels /Fibre 0,6 gr 1,25 gr
Protéines/ Eiwitten/ Proteins 8,1 gr 25,5 gr
Sel/ Zout/ Salt 0.0015 gr 0.003 gr
Flavour Dark Chocolate or White Chocolate
Brand Max Protein
Size 500 gr
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