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22h 39m 57s
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Recipe : Blueberry Muffins

Ingredients (for 12 muffins)

-100 g rice flour 

-50g almond powder 

-A scoop of whey

-40 g maizena

-1/2 sachet of baking powder

-1 teaspoon of baking soda

-60 g of coconut sugar 

25 cl of sugar-free vegetable milk 

-50 g melted coconut oil

-200 g fresh blueberries

-100 g white chocolate 

Ingredients (for the crumble)

-50 g unmelted coconut oil

-50 g coconut sugar

-50 g rice flour 


- Preheat your oven to 180°C.

- In a first bowl, mix all the dry ingredients: flour, cornstarch, almond powder, protein powder, coconut sugar, bicarbonate and yeast.

- In a second bowl, mix all the melted coconut oil and plant milk.

- Add the dry ingredients to the liquid ingredients.

- Finally, add the blueberries and the white chocolate previously cut into small cubes and mix. 

- Pour ¾ of the batter into muffin cups.

- Prepare the crumble by mixing the coconut sugar, unmelted coconut oil and rice flour with your fingers. You should get a sandy texture by crumbling with your fingers.

- Sprinkle each muffin with the crumble on top.

- Bake for 20 to 25 minutes maximum at 180°C until golden brown.

Nutritional values

2955 (246 kcal per muffin versus 415 kcal for a Starbucks muffin!)

Carbohydrates 331 g (27.5 g per muffin)

Protein 37 g (3g per muffin) 

Fat 161 g (13.5 g per muffin) 


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