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Le Petit Déjeuner des Champions

Should I skip my Breakfast ?

Nowadays, the norm is to not eat breakfast, or to eat a sloppy breakfast...One out of three people, go to work on an empty stomach, either because of a bad habit or simply because of a lack of time !

Nous allons vous détailler pourquoi manger dès le matin est important mais aussi quelques idées de petits-déjeuners simples, rapides et gourmands.

Breakfast is indeed the most important first meal of the day, because it allows you to start the day after the night's fasting. Eating well in the morning will allow the body to distribute the day's caloric intake differently, notably by reducing the famous snacking.
In this regard, an American study dating from 2017 has precisely demonstrated that the body mass index (BMI) of breakfast enthusiasts is lower than that of the general population (-2.9%). Other studies have also shown that neglecting breakfast tends to weaken the cardiovascular system, which would increase the stiffness of the arteries (atherosclerosis) but also raise the risk of heart attack by 27%. 
This meal would therefore be essential for health, one of the pillars of longevity. In addition to providing energy throughout the morning, it does not generate any excess weight.
A balanced breakfast is also very important for people suffering from diabetes. This meal can help avoid hypoglycemia

Je n'ai pas faim le matin !

Si vous n'avez pas faim, il est toutefois indispensable d'apporter de l'hydratation à votre organisme. Cela peut être en buvant une boisson chaude (café, thé, infusion) et manger un fruit. Un shaker peut être également réalisé en mixant un ou plusieurs fruits, une scoop de protéine, une autre scoop de farine d'avoine (to be adapted according to your needs) and vegetable milk.
Sometimes the body gets used to this morning intake and then you will be surprised to feel more appetite when you get up.
Don't hesitate to take a small snack with you that you can take a little later, it can be a fruit with a protein shake and some almonds.
However, if you had a big dinner the night before, it is normal not to be hungry the next day. You can then listen to your body and have a light breakfast.

Je vais perdre du poids si je saute mon petit-déjeuner !

Absolutely not !
And above all, any restriction is experienced as an aggression for the body which will increase its fat mass because during a fasting period the body stores fat. This is a completely natural reaction, the body putting itself in a survival situation.
Skipping breakfast will encourage snacking and weight gain. And when you miss a meal, your body will tend to "catch up" on the next one. Lunch may be heavier, making digestion more difficult and leading to various bloating, heartburn, headaches ...
Also, skipping breakfast leads to fatigue, which could be detrimental to your workouts but also to your overall health. The lack of sugar - and therefore energy - can make you perform less well, both physically and mentally.
Choose a regular diet with caloric intake corresponding to the day's expenditure.

Quel serait le Petit-Déjeuner parfait ?

There is no perfect breakfast, except the one that suits you. If you like to eat salty food in the morning, no problem! If you are used to eating a slice of white bread with a spread that is too sweet, choose wholemeal bread with a low-sugar spread.
Also think about the fibers that will facilitate the start of the transit (apples, red fruits, oats...).
Of course, you can vary your breakfasts; we think that a balanced diet is synonymous with boredom, but not at all!

Nous vous livrerons quelques idées de recettes adaptables selon vos besoins, objectifs et mode de vie.

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RAPIDE & FACILE à faire !

Smoothie Protéiné

Un shaker à base de fruits, protéine en poudre, poudre avoine et lait végétal, pratique à emporter partout et rapide à avaler, surtout avant ou après un entraînement matinal !

N'hésitez pas à ajouter dans votre smoothie des super-aliments tels que de la  maca, des graines de chia , protéine de chanvre, poudre de cacao, etc.... dans votre smoothie

You can also opt for our ready-made protein shakes!
Fruity or gourmet flavors for express mornings! 

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Porridge with muesli and Greek yogurt

N'hésitez pas à consommer des yaourts riches en calcium et vitamine D ! Le yaourt grec contient jusqu'à 10g de protéine pour 100g avec des marques comme total 0% qui offrent un minimum de 4g de glucides et 60 calories.

Vous pouvez ajouter du muesli protéiné, fruits, Beurre de cacahuètes

Tartines allégées

Pourquoi se priver de votre petit-déjeuner favori alors que vous pouvez l'alléger ? 
N'hésitez pas à vous la jouer à l'américaine, avec du 
Beurre de cacahuètes et de la confiture allégée !!
If you are more classic and greedy, our light spreads will be perfect! 

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Préparation pour pancakes

A scoop or two in a shaker of water/vegetable milk, you mix, you cook with a coconut spray and you can eat the pancakes on the spot or take them to work!

With this preparation it is also possible to make pancakes or waffles...

Granola Maison

When you have a little free time, make a simple granola recipe, and you'll thank yourself later on when you have a busy morning! They can be made in any number of ways, you can add whatever you like and most importantly, they are diet! However, don't fall into the trap of buying granola bars from the big box stores, they are way too high in sugar (including the "diet" ones).

Pour les Gourmets  :

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Pancake Maison

You don't have to be a great cook to make tasty pancakes! Protein pancakes are very simple to prepare and require only a few ingredients. They can be prepared with banana or cream cheese or even sweet potato, which is very interesting for its glycemic index!

They can be accompanied by fresh fruit, peanut butter, chocolate squares, spreads and low-fat syrup....the choices are numerous for a maximum of deliciousness!

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We often use the same ingredients as the pancake to make a bowlcake, adding just a little more vegetable milk! Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl (hence the name!) and put 3 minutes in the microwave. When you come out of the microwave, you can add a square of dark chocolate (70%) on top of the bowlcake for even more deliciousness! Don't hesitate to add a diet syrup or spread...

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The sweet and sour omelette

L'omelette est tout à fait envisageable ! Elle est facile à préparer et peut être cuisinée en version sucrée agrémentée de fruits, fromage blanc, sirop et confiture allégées ou bien en version salée agrémentée d'épices et autres aliments salés si vous préférez !

Pour Terminer :

Après avoir lu cet article, vous n'aurez d'autre choix que de prendre un petit-déjeuner le matin, que vous soyez un petit ou un gros mangeur ! Choisissez des aliments sains que vous appréciez avant tout et qui vous ouvrent l'appétit.

C'est en vous amusant que vous pourrez atteindre vos objectifs !   



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Recette: Crêpes banane-chocolat